- Cheap wild bird seed. I try to get corn-free, but this has corn, no biggie. Cover with water and remove floaters (feed to the birds). Rinse and soak overnight to wake up the spores. Simmer till just slightly swollen but not quite bursting. Strain and rinse well let drain and cool.
- a heaping 250ml is about right. Wide mouthed jars are best for easy of removing the finished spawn.
- Leave room to shake and for air.
- Two litres of grain minus the floaters is good for about 12 jars
- Lids have injection ports with silicone seal and a hole plugged with fiberfill for passive air exchange.
- Cover with foil. to minimize wetting
- Presto Pressure Canner with three litres of water and a splash of vinegar to prevent mineral build-up.
- Jars into the cooker on raised plate provided. Nothing must touch the pot itself.
- Filled up and cooked at 15PSI for 90 minutes
- Magnetic stirrer, mixing the Liquid Culture (LC)
- Get everything you need. Sterile syringes, airfilters and alcohol.
- Alcohol on all of the ports. No need to work in the glovebox because everthing is self contained.
- Sterile needle , syringe and air filter made of needle and fiberfill.
- Draw out 20cc LC with airfilter to allow jar to asperate
- Inject 10cc LC per jar and shake.and shake. Recover with foil and incubate.