Check out this podcast about fungi I did with the Teach Me Tiger team: This week, we are talking about MUSHROOMS. A friend joins us to teach us all about fungi. We learn about fruiting bodies, bespoke antibiotics, the mycelial … Continue reading
Check out this podcast about fungi I did with the Teach Me Tiger team: This week, we are talking about MUSHROOMS. A friend joins us to teach us all about fungi. We learn about fruiting bodies, bespoke antibiotics, the mycelial … Continue reading
When it is time to fruit a fungal culture, it is necessary that you control the amount of light, oxygen and humidity it receives. Changes in light, moisture and fresh air are what stimulate the mycelial mass to produce what … Continue reading
A Papier Mâché mold lined with plastic film was taken from a plaster original and used to cast mycelia of Blue Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) on a medium of wood chips and sawdust. It was then exposed to the appropriate … Continue reading
I want to get some like minded people from my area together to share our interest in fungi, and maybe work together on some projects. Somehow calling it a “Mycological Society” or “Association” doesn’t sound right. So for now I’m … Continue reading
Tradd Cotter explains how his patented process will enable us to make personal, specifically targeted, antibiotic, antiviral and anticancer drugs. You can see lots more of Todd’s videos and buy his book at Chelsea Green Publishing. The video below starts … Continue reading
In early October my partner mentioned they had seen a solitary mushroom emerging from a wound in an elm tree on our local trail. This especially interested me because of the Muskoka Mushroom Mystery. I took my camera up there … Continue reading
After using my Richard Simmons Steam Heat Pasteurizer a few times I could see some room for improvement. For one steam leaked out around the steam unit and heat was escaping all over. I found another bin at the Salvation … Continue reading
Finding wild mushrooms, then cloning and domesticating them is one of the most fun and challenging mycological exercises for me. I have been successful cloning wild Turkey Tail, as well as King Oysters from the store, today I’m trying to … Continue reading