Check out this podcast about fungi I did with the Teach Me Tiger team: This week, we are talking about MUSHROOMS. A friend joins us to teach us all about fungi. We learn about fruiting bodies, bespoke antibiotics, the mycelial … Continue reading
Check out this podcast about fungi I did with the Teach Me Tiger team: This week, we are talking about MUSHROOMS. A friend joins us to teach us all about fungi. We learn about fruiting bodies, bespoke antibiotics, the mycelial … Continue reading
After a hot dry summer, a couple of cool nights and some rain is all the mushrooms need to encourage them to burst forth. These beauties come from “regular” spots, that is, my friend Laurie finds giant puffballs in the … Continue reading
A lot of research has been done, and much written, about the benefits of Trametes versicolor, AKA Turkey Tail. There are many of reports of traditional use, as well as modern scientific studies reporting it contains anticancer, and immune boosting, … Continue reading
Friday September 22nd to Sunday September 24th Lumina Resort Muskoka Not a member of the MST? The Cain Foray is open to the general public too, and your Cain Foray registration fee gets you a one-year complimentary family membership! This … Continue reading
The deer tick or black legged tick is the carrier of Lyme Disease Yesterday we went to see Steven Martyn of the Sacred Gardener giving a talk called “Dancing with Lyme“. Steven is an experienced herbalist who has personally experienced … Continue reading
Ginseng, a well known immune system booster, is the only non-fungal ingredient in this concoction. The mushrooms included are Maitake, Reishi, Chaga, Artists’ Conk, Shiitake These are chosen for their general immune boosting, or specific flu fighting, properties according to … Continue reading
I want to get some like minded people from my area together to share our interest in fungi, and maybe work together on some projects. Somehow calling it a “Mycological Society” or “Association” doesn’t sound right. So for now I’m … Continue reading
In early October my partner mentioned they had seen a solitary mushroom emerging from a wound in an elm tree on our local trail. This especially interested me because of the Muskoka Mushroom Mystery. I took my camera up there … Continue reading