Day 7 growth is strong and consistant. Reaching the edge of the plate it becomes more vulnerable to contamination. At this time they are moved to the fridge until i make some fresh liquid culture (LC) medium and grain jars to expand the culture.

Day 7 growth is strong and consistant. Reaching the edge of the plate it becomes more vulnerable to contamination. At this time they are moved to the fridge until i make some fresh liquid culture (LC) medium and grain jars to expand the culture.

Day 7, growth is strong and consistant. Reaching the edge of the plate it becomes more vulnerable to contamination. At this time they are moved to the fridge until I make some fresh liquid culture (LC) medium and grain jars to expand the culture.

Day 7 growth is strong and consistant. Reaching the edge of the plate it becomes more vulnerable to contamination. At this time they are moved to the fridge until i make some fresh liquid culture (LC) medium and grain jars to expand the culture.